Quaint #AtoZChallenge

I was going to try to be clever and do q is for Quercus but then remembered I have no oak in my garden. I thought of using the green man I made but that fell to pieces and the other one I’ve got wasn’t made by me then I remembered the other things I’ve made recently and thought ‘they’re quaint’ I had my Q.

I’ve made garden furniture in the past, long gone and has since become the dead wood pile for insects and other creatures.

AtoZ zany woodland fun

This year, after doing a short workshop using modelling clay I remembered I had lots somewhere in the house and went and created many quaint bits of garden ornaments. Oh, I’m sure they won’t survive next years frost but, for now, they’re making me smile. Lots of miniature fungi, plant pots and doors.  

My AtoZ Blogging Challenge is all about gardening, Lynne style. 

If you’ve enjoyed reading this post why not see what others are doing too during 2017 AtoZ Blogging challenge, look in the comments on the letter of the day blog or like their facebook page. I look forward to seeing you back here tomorrow.


6 thoughts on “Quaint #AtoZChallenge

  1. Pingback: Reflections #AtoZchallenge | lynnelives

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